Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Necropolis Called Love

I was walking alone, in the necropolis called life,
The innumerable sorrows gave me not a single scope to jive...
Molested by destiny and left to wither in the cold,
Life seemed like a crushed paper, with ink smudged on every fold…
There She stood with a light, illuminating the darkness,
As if to show me the way, out of the wilderness...
She held my hand and walked along showing me the way,
I was too tired to question, and gave in completely to her say...
The soothing touch of her tender arms was balm to my long inflicted wounds,
The look of her expressive eyes made me forget all my blues...
Her presence rejuvenated my vanquished soul,
The touch of her lips watered my heart’s deepest core...
Life suddenly had a reason for me to live again,
With her in my arms, I could take on all pains...
She promised to be by my side when time plays tyrant,
I had hopes of a new life and good times were just in front...
But what was this? A sudden flash of light, and a voice calling on,
Away she faded, together with all my hopes, right into oblivion...
I cried for her, pleading her to stay back,
But there she went, never even bothering to look back...
Why had she come at all into my distressed life, to rekindle hopes of everlasting euphoria?
To show me a dream that never was, an impossible phantasmagoria...
Stranded again at the place am I, where I had been searching for a beginning,
But left am I in the abyss of darkness and wilderness, still waiting....